My Collection

Meet Dusty!

Domestic Long Haired
Kent, South East

Meet Dusty, the talented trained moggy cat for hire with a unique flair for following commands. From vocal cues to hand gestures and tasty treats, Dusty excels in responding to various instructions. Her past experiences of neglect have left her cautious around strangers. This makes her hesitant to be handled by unfamiliar individuals.

Dusty shines brightest when placed in a photo setting where she can express her natural charm. Grounded and mobile, this trained moggy cat for hire thrives in commercial settings, where she can move freely and showcase her dynamic personality.

Rescued from uncertain origins under a plant pot, Dusty’s breed remains a mystery, though her appearance suggests a mix that resembles a Russian Blue. With a shorter tail compared to her siblings and a longer body, Dusty boasts a distinctive physique that adds to her allure.

In addition to her modeling ventures, Dusty is a loving companion who enjoys spending quality time with her human counterpart. Whether snuggled on a lap or lounging on the ground, Dusty’s affectionate nature shines through.

Having previously modelled for Pets At Home, Dusty has experience in both in-store and online publication. Therefore demonstrating her versatility and adaptability in different settings. While she may prefer the company of familiar feline friends, Dusty is open to travel. Though she dislikes prolonged confinement in crates. With her charm and talent, Dusty is ready to captivate audiences wherever she goes.

Training checklist:
- Can be placed in position
- Can work outdoors
- Cat-friendly
- Child-friendly
- Come
- Creep
- Dog-friendly
- Eat/drink in new environment
- Follow
- Follow a target
- Food motivated
- Happy to be groomed
- Happy to be handled
- Jump into arms
- Jump onto a person's back
- Kiss
- Lie down
- Look at me
- Look at point
- Neutered
- Recall
- Rub against an object
- Sit
- Sit on platform
- Stand
- Toy motivated
- Travels well
- Vet-friendly
- Wears pet clothing + accessories
- Will wear a GoPro
- Work from a distance
- Work with target stick
- Works with props

View Dusty's portfolio

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